
Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Simon Pegg and blended families

I am so in love with this poster right now.

We are a family who loves us some Edgar Wright-Simon Pegg-Nick Frost goodness. From watching the full series of 'Spaced' with my Englandy-sister Angela, to it pretty much being in our family contract for someone to say "A great big bushy beard!!" at least once a day.
The Awesome Teenager as Shaun for Supernova 2011. He's got red on him.
I believe that in-jokes were a huge part of how we all bonded as a blended family. The Lovely Husband and The Awesome Teenager had their little traditions from very early on- playing punch bug in the car, making fun of the way I said 'Avocado'... And then finding movies we loved, like the ones these guys make,  that we could claim as our own. It gave us a link and a constant- something that we all shared that no-one else really got.
Acting stoopid  is our bag, baby
We could crack each other up with our terrible impersonations of the Commando from The Biggest Loser talking to Ray Winstone.... Yes,  a lot of the time they don't make much sense... But it's the security of knowing that if I say, "Where do you think you're going?" in a bad Aussie Accent, one of my guys will answer in a shocking Cockney accent, "I'm here to kill your monster!!"

And that is awesome.

x Gillian for Tessie Designs

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