
Wednesday, 7 September 2011

The Rosie Sisters

See the lovely, fluffy, white bears in the above pic? 
I actually think this photo is quite flattering! The Rosies look waaaay worse than this in real life. Maybe it's the smell.
This is what they look like today.  Gross. They have lived and been loved hard.  Oh, they are loved. Eli especially cannot sleep without his Rosie. He is the main ear-sucker Jasper is more of a tail twiddler. Eli will also inexplicably decide when it is time for he and Jasper to 'Swap!' their Rosies, and god help Jasper if he doesn't want to!

Did I mention that they smell? When we flew home from the UK last year (a harrowing tale of woe that I will one day share here... when I have recovered), by the time we reached Brisbane, after about 26 hours of ear sucking, the Rosies smelt like vinegar. Vinegar!! How is that even possible?? Most days they just smell like Yuck.

I wash them once a week, have soaked them in napisan and bleach, and yet within two seconds of the boys getting hold of them, they look like a couple of homeless people. But boy, they looked loved. (I'm not saying that all homeless people aren't loved, or deserving of love... I'm just sayin' that the Rosie sisters often look like they have slept rough under the Victoria Bridge... in the rain. After wrestling with a pit bull.)

I don't remember having a toy that I loved with such passion when I was little. The Awesome Teenager loved his Donald Duck and Blue Teddy Dwight when he was little, and they were very, very special to him.. but he didn't suck thier ears, and twiddle thier tails until they fell apart!!!  The love that Eli and Jasper have for Rosie is a whole other thing. And I think its' kind of cool. Except for the smell. And the wet, manky ears getting wiped on your face. Gross, Rosies. Just gross.

The Rosies were a gift from Aunty Jodi- they were a limited edition offer through her company Lorraine Lea Linen. I lose sleep at night wondering what will happen when the Rosies self destruct...  because they don't make them anymore!!! Rosie helps me get through the day... and the night. I may have to take up hard drinking. Or meditation..... Jodi gave me a pair of gorgeous bears called PJ (Rosies boyfriend) but the twins couldn't give a damn about these lovely boy bears. I think they are just too clean!!

Do your kids have a special best friend kinda toy?


  1. How cute are those bears! When I was a baby I used to carry around a Dog teddy. I still have it (its in storage) but gee its seen better days!
    Our fourth boy had a blanky that he had to sleep with. If we lost the blanky he would cry and would not sleep! We even woke up our older boys one night because we couldnt find blanky! Once he got to four years of age, we left blanky outside on the front verander and the "Blanket Fairy" took it away and gave him a fire truck! He was so not happy, and still talks about it :


  2. "Blanket Fairy"- I love that idea, Lisa! Might have to keep that in mind... Or I was thinking when the time comes, I could tell them that The Rosies are moving to London- like everyone on Neighbours does when they disappear..

  3. My daughter had Rosie bear too.
    My mum was a consultant for the company that sold Rosie. My son has pj bear that mum gave him when he was born and my daughter was given Rosie when she was born. They both still sleep with their bears (my son is 8 and daughter is 5). My daughter is very attached to Rosie and I often worry about what would happen if Rosie was to fall apart or get lost. It's very annoying that you can still buy pj, or his sister now Heather bear, but not Rosie.
    What's funny about this post, the last time it was commented on was the day my daughter was born... 26th September 2011! It's so bizarre.


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