
Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Happy Blogoversary To Me!!

So, I totally missed my first Blogaversary!! I started this blog on 3 March last year mainly as a business blog- to support Tessie Design Company, which I had just started with my mum.

Since then, I have expanded the content of this blog to include more of my life and also my other creative pursuit, outside of fabric and handbags (like Flowcharts. Apparently, people go crazy in the coconut for flow charts!!)

I also changed the blog name to Tessiegirl. I kinda see Tessiegirl as an alter ego.... like Beyonce and Sasha Fierce, but less lame.

I love my blog like it's one of my kids. The birth of this little blog baby has been awesome.  I look forward to  my little Tessiegirl growing into a surly teenager and telling me that I am "Like, Soooo embarrassing right now!"

To celebrate, I'm gonna do my first ever GIVEAWAY!!!
Tessie Design Company Mini Bag featuring originally designed fabric printed via and a cute felt flower brooch.
I am giving away a Tessie Design Company prize pack! Yay!!
To enter,
1) Just follow this blog and like me on facebook (if you haven't already)
2) Leave me a comment and tell me something funny. That is all.

I'll choose a winner at random next Wednesday.

I heart blogging, dude.


  1. Happy blogaversary - i seem to be saying that a lot this week so March must have been a good month to launch a blog!

    funny thing - when i see you write flow chart i think of a different kind of flow ; )

  2. what a lovely bag! thanks for you let me know about the bag!

  3. Beautiful design and i found your blogging skills is awesome but you need to do SEO of your blog for getting more traffic. Because anyone can grow their business through blogging and you can found several of case study on internet for blogging. why i told you all these things because i love your blog and i am also owner of a best web development company in indore providing not only website development we also provide website designing and software development service in indore.

  4. Expanding from a business focus for Tessie Design Company to include more personal content and creative pursuits like flowcharts is a brilliant way to connect with your audience. hp server distributor in dubai


Thanks for visiting Tessiegirl!!

I love it when people leave me comments!! Yay!
If you are not sure how to leave a comment, DO THIS:
1) Write your lovely comment in the box
2) click on 'Comment As'. A drop down menu will appear
3) click on Name/URL
4) Just type your name in. If you have a blog, you can type the URL of the blog in and I will come visit you!!
5) Click on publish
NOTE: I am no longer accepting anonymous comments, due to the ridiculous amount of spam i receive.
*These instructions are for anyone who is like my lovely real life family who are not too savvy with the whole Bloggy-thing!!