
Tuesday, 13 March 2012

I totally Said Hello!!

On Sunday I was lucky enough to be involved in the Say Hello Blogger Workshop presented by Hello Blogger Events.

Holy Blogosphere, Batman! It was AWESOME!

Suger and Dani did a bloody fantastic job of organising this event. So much relevant and helpful info shared by some of Queensland's best bloggers. 

I was so incredibly inspired and motivated. It was just amazing to be in a room with 34 other people who are so passionate and committed to their blogs and their messages. 

Being able to contribute to the day in my own way was heaps of fun too. I made and supplied some props for the photo booth- they went over a treat! 
Lisa from Mrs BC's House of Chaos, Melissa from Suger Coat It, Sheri from Sheri Bomb
Seriously though, who doesn't love putting on a funny hat and some stupid glasses??
Deborah from Debbish and Diet Schmiet, Tracey from Our Life in Blog Form, Renee from Nee Say 
I also supplied a little flower or owl brooch for each participant. It was so cute to see everyone wearing them at the end of the day!! Totally worth staying up til 1am the night before finishing them off!!!
Olivia from Wait Until the Sunset, Alice from Musical Mama and Amy from Accidental Wonderland
Ames' little Sesame almost stole the show... so gorgeous!
(She is dreaming about finding her blogging niche... and whether or not she wants to do a PR review for Huggies....)

Such a great day. I can't capture all the amazing info shared by the speakers here, but my biggest takeaways from the day were:

- Don't compromise your authenticity
- What kind of blogger am I? I need to work it out, dude!
- Be unafraid
- Do what you love and invest in your passion
- It all comes down to content
- Grow your community and ENGAGE.
And, obviously, I was inspired to redesign my blog!! 
Whaddya think?

But the main thing I came away from the day thinking was- I have found my tribe. I feel like I am part of something again. 

Yeah Man.


  1. Gil, it's GORGEOUS! You know me, I love a good black and white theme and your new profile pic is AMAZING.

    Thank you for all your hard work and support on Sunday. You really went above and beyond and I appreciate it. SO much. xo

  2. Aww thanks, man. It was totally my pleasure to be involved. Had a blast.

  3. I LOVE your new design! Fabulous! I am going to HAVE to make it to the next workshop cause I am seriously bummed that I missed out & missed out on seeing you all again!

  4. Thanks Jos! Yes- you must come to the next event!! Would be great to see you again.

  5. Love this and your new design!
    I just noticed you have your own Spoonflower shop so I'm off to suss that out :)

  6. What a great wrap up of the day! Thank you for staying up to make those brooches, they are beautiful & I love mine. My teenage daughter is very jealous!

  7. Oh, I'm so glad Lisa!! she must have good taste... :-)

  8. Love the new look but I loved the last one too! So great to meet you & I love my flower brooch! Thanks so much xx

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