
Monday, 5 March 2012

Sheri is the Bomb

The awesome Sheri Bomb launched her brand new blog design yesterday. She celebrated with an amazing event at The Calypso Bar at Paddington. I was so chuffed to be there and be a part of it!!
Sheri and her rockabilly friends were turned out in their finest! What a gorgeous bunch of people!! Olivia, Suger and I had a great time oohing and aahing over the  all the pretty girls in their pretty dresses, and the cool cats in their greaser haircuts, braces and skinny jeans. Hanging out with these girls and thier lovely husbands was a hoot. They are some funny chicks.

And look at Sheri! How cute is she?

Blogging can seem like a solitary thing sometimes. It's hard to explain to your real world friends and family, it can feel like you are talking to yourself, it can be lonely.

But then, you find that you are part of a community. A community of other people who understand what you are talking about!!

So, I was over the moon to be able to support Sheri yesterday. Her blog (as I have mentioned before) is awesome. And she is such a sweetheart. Her new blog design is clean and strong and I like it heaps!

Awesome afternoon, awesome blog, Oh, and I wore platform shoes!!! I KNOW! 
I felt like my pre-twin self... almost.... And I rocked a new Tessie Design Company bag. Yeah man.


  1. Looks like you all had a fabulous time!!

  2. If you are looking for best web design company in United States then click here.


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