
Wednesday, 11 July 2012

I kinda love my job... is that weird?

Have I mentioned that I love my job? No? Well......

I totally, like, love my job, you guys!

I love that I get to design and paint elephants and lions.
I love that my team is so creative and innovative.
I love painting in the studio... on the studio floor... on my clothes....
I love making stuff with my hands. And with tools.
I love working with positive people.
I love that I can contribute to making our store look awesome.
I love cleaning out the paint trays.... and scrubbing the sink.... I am a weirdo.

Is it weird to say I love my job? I don't care if it sounds lame or sucky-uppy. 
I really have three jobs:
1  Mother
2  Blogger/Designer/Flow Chartist 
3  Visual Merchandiser

I only get paid for the last one... and kind of, a bit, sometimes for the second one... but I love them all. 

Do you love your job? Do you HATE your job? Why?


Thanks for visiting Tessiegirl!!

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