
Saturday, 11 August 2012

I am standing in my parents beautiful Maleny back yard in this pic. 

I just realised, when I inserted this photo, that the arrow that I drew (with my awesome drawing tablet thingy) is pointing straight at a sculpture my artist brother in law Tom made many many years ago, that now lives in mum and dad's garden. 

The sculpture is known in the family as 'Mr Willy'. You can't see why he is called that in this pic. But trust me. It's appropriate. 

This post was meant to be about my new red jeans, but I kinda got distracted by Mr Willy. (When my Lovely Husband reads that sentence, he will say, "That's what she said!") 

Do you have coloured jeans? Do you love them? Do you have a willy sculpture in your back yard?

1 comment:

  1. No, and No (but I REALLY wish I had both!)


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