
Sunday, 23 September 2012

Happy Birthday Stephen and Carrie!

So Friday was Stephen King's 65th birthday. It was also the birthday of his creation Carrie White from the novel 'Carrie'. Book Carrie would have been 49 today. If not for, you know, the whole 'spoiler alert' incident...,.

As previously mentioned, I first read Carrie in 1984 at the age of ten. It was my gateway drug to a lifelong addiction to Stephen King. And a fairly messed up view of high school changing rooms....

So when I was asked to create some artwork to celebrate the joint birthday and also the up coming release of the new 'Carrie' film, I said, 'Abso-frickin-lutely!'
Head over to the Official 'Carrie' Facebook page to say Happy Birthday and share your own Carrie memories!

1 comment:

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