
Sunday, 25 November 2012

Far Away

I received a package from my Far Away sister this week. For my birthday. Which was in July :-) That's how Deb rolls. 

She lives in Tasmania and runs a screamingly fabulous, incredibly successful cafe with her husband. They are super busy and very focussed on their little business. She is so far away and I love her and miss her a lot. I wish she was in my life, and my family's life on a more regular basis. Sometimes, when I am feeling maudlin, I fear that I am not important to her, and that she has forgotten me. 

I know that time and distance are not obstacles to love, and to connection, not if you don't let them be. I am guilty of letting time days, weeks pass without contact. Stupid life gets in the way.  

Then she sends me a box of incredibly thoughtful, orange, perfect gifts... all chosen with such care. All so very me. And I know that I am not forgotten.  

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  1. Well a very happy and much belated birthday to you. I know these feelings well and then just like that pow someone blows you out of the water with their love thoughtfulness. I love those s and p shakers but I bet you're not surprised by that.

    Shared some love with you today on the blog. X

  2. Still have no idea how to be anything but anonymous on this contraption. How's that awesome chinglish up there,how did that get there?, the intergoogle is a funny place. My star sister, you are not forgotten at all, I am just a self obsessed dickhead. You are now and have always been my little sister, sounds weird when you say it like that, because you have always been such an awesomely talented, fun, smart, sassy, beautiful presence in my life who also admires me and supports me in whatever smart, dumb, safe or silly decision I have ever made. I appreciate you so much and want you to know that this unconditional love and support has often been a buoy in tumultuous seas, whether we spoke or not, I know you got my back, jack as I have yours. I hope you know how much I think of you, I understand that my steadfast absence would make you begin to forget, but it's fully, not you, it's me. Far out man, imagine me consolidating my thoughts for twitter! I love you, I'm glad you liked the present. X x x he he, maudlin, you sound like morrisey


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