
Friday, 14 December 2012

The Beatles and The Mansons

A few months ago I had a fascinating conversation with a work friend and this chart has been ruminating in my mind ever since. This flowchart is kinda weird. it's a little morbid, and a bit odd. But the subject matter is strangely compelling.

As an avid Beatles fan, I have always been aware of the connections between them and the terrible acts perpetrated in 1969 by The Manson Family. The Beatles, who's predominant message was Love, being tied to a group of dirty hippies who just wanted to spread fear and hate seems so bizarre. Charles Manson actually believed that The Beatles were on the same wavelength as him, when he was the antithesis of everything they believed in. The Anti-Lennon, if you will.

So, that's interesting enough, but throw in the connections with The Beach Boys, The Dakota Building in New York and Doris Day and it just becomes fascinating. 
Yet again, a flow chart reminds me that everything is connected. Good and Bad, beautiful and tragic. Everyone is just a few steps away from everyone else.

x x x 
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