
Friday, 11 January 2013


update: The Stephen King Universe Flowchart (including the Dark Tower Series) is now updated and can be found here

Run! Don't Walk!

Oh my Goodness! Is that a little sneak peek at the Stephen King Universe Flowchart UPDATED to include all 8 Dark Tower Books (and 4 or 5 other additional books/ short stories and a crapload of additional characters)????

Why yes, it TOTALLY is.

As I have said before, you guys were right- a Stephen King Universe Flowchart without the Dark Tower books is like a Happy Days episode without Fonzie... still good, but not nearly as cool.

The chart is almost ready to be unveiled. I can't wait to share it, but I want it to be perfect..... although I am sure I will have missed something, but that's what you guys are for! To let me know!

So, who is excited???

Click Here to see the current version of the chart if you have no idea what I am talking about.... 

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  1. OMG this is AWESOME!!! thanks for creating this!

    I knew you'd like the DT series and you see how perfectly SK intertwined the books!!!???


  3. Wow! You are totally amazing! I have read most of mr kings books and noticed some connections between them before but never this many, nor in so much detail! It's almost as if he can see another universe though the fabric of ours, each book being a hole for us to peer into.... Eventually the holes may all link up and we'll all fall through... Or maybe we are all just characters in his imagination anyway...... Thanks so much xx Lesley

  4. I have been looking for something like this for years, since I started noticing the connections and how DT arches over everything. Thank you for what must have been hard work (but apparently a labor of love!)

  5. It's marvelous! Will you make some large file so that I could print out a proper poster out of it?

    1. please! please! please! we should start a petition :)


    2. Yes!!! I agree!! I have been trying to get the current one printed as a large poster!! I will definitely wait for the new one if it's made big enough!!

    3. YES!!!! I would love to have a poster of this!!! It would also make a great gift for a great friend I have, who started me reading King, with Pet Semetary, many many moons ago

    4. I would definitely purchase a poster if it were available!

    5. ME TOO ! I would need 3 of them as my brother and my son are also avid fans of King's books !

    6. ME TOO ! I would need 3 of them as my brother and my son are also avid fans of King's books !

    7. I would also buy a poster of this Dark Tower version!

    8. Just came here to request a poster as well.... please.

    9. You might want to look at on-demand printers... you seem to have a market here ^_^ Might as well make some money off all this hard work! (and be able to provide fans with better posters than they can do at home) Win-win!

  6. I am so looking forward to this. Thank you.

  7. i've wanted something like this for a long time. i came here from a link to the original, but i think i'll wait until the DT version is finished.

  8. YAY! I was just going to complain that you didn't include The Dark Tower, but now I will buy you a beer!

  9. can we order this as a print?

  10. If you sell a large format/high res pdf to print as a poster on like Etsy or through paypal or something, people would buy it. I know I would...I'd pay $10 for the PDF.

    1. Me too!!!

    2. Carlos Fandango15 April 2013 at 23:54


      Would love HiRez PDF so I can print it out BIG on my wall...hopefully an end to wondering which book/who/where I recognise them from!

  11. Can't Wait To See The Final Product! Thanks For Sharing!

  12. Can't Wait To See The Final Product! Thanks For Sharing!

  13. I was wondering when someone was going to do something like this. I don't read with enough specificity (even for Mr. King's works) to have the ability to do it, so I'm glad someone did.

    A quick suggestion - make each book's line a different color - that makes following the lines a LOT easier. You can use directionality to determine said color (ie: if something happened IN Book 1 that was caused by Book 2, the line would be the color of Book 2, as something was coming INTO Book 1 from the outside).

    Oh, and you should also go take a look at Arthur DeWolf's WDW Transportation Map. Because what you're making is really a map. :)

    Excellent work, btw!

  14. I would also pay for a pdf to print as a poster...this is amazing!!!!

  15. Im from spain (excuse me about my english) and i was looking for something like this for many years ago. I love King's work and i think this chart is an incredible and very hard work. Thank you from the other side of the sea!!!!

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  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Heh, the original one reminded me of the Ninja High School Perfect Works book. It had a "Who's who and related to whom" graph that showed all the connections between characters. This looks like that, except it connects the whole books. Though I'm betting that including DT would end up having a core with the 8 DT books, weaving themselves with most of the rest!

  19. You are my Hero... thanks in advance...

  20. Gillian this looks fantastic. I'm a big fan of the original flowchart and can't wait to see this one.

    One thing that's not in your original--I don't know if you've caught this already and will be adding it to the new one--but I just finished re-reading Misery and there's a point that briefly ties to It. During one of Paul's reminisces, he thinks about sneaking one of his mom's cigarettes while she was in Boston for the day with "Mrs. Kaspbrak from across the street."

  21. I didn't read through all the replies, but if you haven't thought about it, I would pay for a poster of this... you should see about getting it printed up and make yourself some bucks

  22. Don't forget GREEN MILE YO!!

  23. Wow, what an awesome job connecting all the pieces!

  24. i love this its amazing. seriously need it as poster

  25. Just saw the original today and loved it, but wished The Dark Tower series was included...and then BAM, you reappeared on my facebook feed saying that you were making a new one. Awesome! I too would buy a poster of this when it's done. Amazing work!!

  26. I'd definitely buy a poster of the Dark Tower version for my girlfriend! She'd love it!

  27. This is awesome, thank you for sharing and for your hard work and time put into to it. I would love to have this as a poster or on a t-shirt. I also put The Stand as my top SK novel, but The Dark Tower series is in my top five. All things serve the beam.

  28. I would *really* love an "interactive" version of this - to where if you clicked a book or character, the connections and lines connecting them would highlight or zoom slightly, to make it easier to see the connections :) But as-is, it's FANTASTIC.

    P.S. Needs Green Mile - perhaps no connections? I can't remember...

  29. just started the dark tower series. i am loving it!!!!!!!!!!! on book 3 already. so glad you made this list.

  30. Will it include full dark, no stars?

  31. and seriously, after all the work you put into it, you should offer it as an over-sized poster through some self-publishing site...

  32. Do you suppose you could find a website programmer, a fellow SK nerd, who could add the ability to click on a character, or a location, or a book, and have the closest related characters or locations, etc, stand out somehow? Like, your chosen whatever and all its close relatives would light up while the rest of the chart would go darker.

    Don't imagine I'm criticizing your work. I can see how thorough you've been (you poor lady, poring and poring over all those books...). I would never have imagined that Eyes of the Dragon was related to anything, let alone Randall Flagg, or that Cynthia Smith from Rose Madder (one of my favorite books) was mentioned in Desperation.

    Wonderful work, and clearly something that will delight a lot of King fans.

  33. I'd love to have this in poster form hanging right above my Stephen King book shelf and use it to fill in my missing pieces. I'd even wear it on a shirt. This is so awesome!

  34. This is SO impressive. I've not read all his books but most of them and like most fans love how his characters intertwine. I wonder what SK would think if he saw it :)

  35. Oh my god! I'm dying with anticipation for this after seeing your original chart! So many connections it's ridiculous! I already counted over ten lines coming out from The Dark Tower 7 alone. Someone above asked about if this could be made into a poster? I would totally buy it, so if you're at all interested in making that happen PLEASE do!!!

  36. I love you for making this chart! One thing though (not to be a picky person, please don't hate me!!) In Insomnia, he sees a purple aura running through the drain pipe in Derry (it is hinted that its Pennywise. Not sure if you included that, but I didn't see it in the other chart. I forget which book, but Pennywise is also heard laughing in a sink drain, I want to say it was Cujo (no angry fans please, my books are packed and I can't remember!)

    Again though, so much repect and love for making these charts :) <3

  37. Fantastic. Would also purchase a PDF, a shirt, a poster, really anything with this image... OMG... fabric!
    You're amazing, thank you for your hard work!

  38. You are an insane genius and I am so glad to have found this via Pinterest.

  39. Saw this for the first time today. Great work on connecting everything. Looking forward to the next version with The Dark Tower included. You could sell this easily. Keep up the great work.

    Please correct the spelling of "parallel" on The Regulators and "pseudonym" under The Dark Half.
    Also change aka to AKA under Randall Flagg.

  40. You are definitely one of the biggest King fans I've ever seen! Your back story is so similar to mine. I was also around 10 when I discovered King in the book Pet Sematary. I would hide it under my desk of Catholic elementary school to read it. When I got caught, the nuns at the school and my parents made me pray for forgiveness but it didn't stop me from continuing to find ways to read his books! My favorite is IT because I spent a whole summer hiding as a kid reading the book and convinced the clown would come for me! But my second favorite is absolutely The Long Walk!!! I read it as an adult and my feet literally hurt as I read it - he was at his best then!!! Thanks for making me smile today :-)

  41. Carlos Fandango16 April 2013 at 00:01

    Saw this today and it's great...huge respect and kudos to you for nailing all of that together (...altho, knowing S.K. theres probably still a load more tucked away in his stories!)

    Puh-LEEEEEEZ make a (BIG!) print PDF available to download/purchase as I *need* this as a reference poster on my wall when I'm reading S.K. Hopefully this will save me hours referring back through books trying to find out where I have met that character/read about that event before!

  42. Thank you so much for this, you beautiful beautiful person! :)

  43. Please tell me you are including 'Salem's Lot in this! Would be nice to see the connections it had to the other books!

    1. Tommyknockers references Jerusalem's/Salem's Lot.

  44. Been a King nerd since reading tommyknockers in middle school, I never picked up on half of these. Wow.

  45. Just go ahead and connect The Dark Tower to EVERYTHING. It'll save you some time.

  46. Hope you can add the connection between Ardelia from "The Library Policeman" and Dandelo and IT in this next one.

    Keep up the good work!

  47. Any word on this work? I can't wait to see what you've done with it, you've undertaken a huge body of works with this one...


  48. I will pay whatever you need me to for a poster version.

  49. I found this through Pretty awesome. You're probably already aware of this but in certain paperback editions of the 7th dark tower book ((The edition with the full color drawings wedge into the pages)) have a full list of his works on the first pages, and the ones that tie into the dark tower in some form or another marked with a tiny bird.

    The same bird also makes an appearance in the cover art of certain print editions of his works.

    I hope this helps with your chart. even just a little bit.

  50. I tried to email you, but gmail bounced it back...


    I just wanted to say you're awesome, and the poster is awesome! :-)

    My brother Phil ordered one for me a couple weeks ago, and I just received it a few days ago. So cool! I plan to laminate it and hang it on the wall right next to my bookshelf full of SK books.

    Thanks, again!

    PS--loved the handwritten note, too

  51. Hi!
    I just wanted to thank you - received the poster today.
    It will be a birthday present for my girlfriend and I guess she'll be enthusiastic about it :)
    Thanks for the handwritten note - even though I'm male ;)

    Greetings from Germany,

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