
Monday, 28 January 2013

Cool Craftiness

So, we like to make stuff. 
But not if it's too hard.. 
Or too messy.. or too.. glittery. 
Or if it takes, like ages  to do. 
Or if you finish it and the kids are like, "What the hell is that?" 
And not if it's too cutesy,
Or ugly...
Or too pretty.
We like making stuff that is easy and fun and over quickly and is easily identifiable. And involves felt.

We were sent a pack from Riot Art and Craft to try out, and it totally fit in our parameters. Now that they boys have started Kindy, they are definitely getting better at following instructions and understanding the sequence of tasks. I might send the Awesome Teenager to Miss Julia for a brush up....

So, we made two Ricky Riot Rainbow Feltboards. We went a little off script and glued the pieces down to make a permanent picture, but you could follow the instructions if you are not a revolutionary individualist like me.  You can also watch Ricky Riot make lots of awesome projects (including the feltboard) over on thier website.

The boys loved it. They like to glue stuff and they are awesome at telling me to be careful, because scissors ARE SHARP! Yes, they are brainwashed.

This was a fun project. The bits and pieces retail for about 16 bucks and it took about half and hour. Easy Peasy Bosom Squeezy.

As you can see, the boys are loving themselves sick in this photo. They love to admire their finished work and expect EVERYONE to repeatedly reaffirm how totally awesome they are at least half hourly. Just like mummy...

What's the last crafty thing you made with your kids? Or with your husband. Or your cat.

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* I was sent a Rainbow Feltboard pack to try out. All opinions are my own and I wasn't paid for them. 


  1. Love this Gillian. Lovely idea. Zanni @Heart Mama. X

  2. Best easy craft fun I ever had. Take a sticker book with all the stickers taken out of them. Use the sticker bits left to stick on your children's faces to make sideburns, moustaches, beards and eyebrows. Awesome also if your husband has all of these in plentiful supply, now your toddler is daddy for a day.
    I so miss, craft with toddlers. Got a new stereo for the boat the other day. The speakers had little inserts that would have made the best car. I once made a train, with people drawn on the cellophane windows, 12 carriages long out of Heineken glass boxes. Those were the days ...

  3. This is awesome! I love the looks on your boys faces!

    The last craft I did with the kids were those iron bead thingos from Ikea. Huge hit. HUGE! AND they fit the same parameters you have: no glitter, not too much glue, not too cutesy, or too ugly and QUICK results.

    Looks like you had a RIOT! Boom Tish.


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