
Friday, 1 March 2013

Book vs Device

I recently reread three Stephen King Classics: Carrie, The Shining and 'Salems Lot. I spied this omnibus edition on my sisters bookshelf a few weeks ago, so I snuck it into my bag.

I love the dog eared, yellow paged history of this book. As it is obviously a rerelease of the three titles, it doesn't feature the original cover artwork, but you gotta love Jack, don't you? (If I was Jennifer Lawrence, I would consider being his new girlfriend too...) This book even smells funny. Maybe because it was in my sister's office, which was flooded in the Australia Day floods.. but I like to think it smells like awesomeness.

And I TOTALLY love that this book was obviously stolen from our high school about twenty five years ago JODI. I always thought you were the good sister.
I was surprised by the fact that it is a school library book, though- I don't know that Sai King's works would be in high school libraries today, would they? I don't know.
I used to always have a book in my bag. Always. Any down moment in life- read a book. Socially challenging situation? Read a book. Waiting for movie to start in cinema? Read a book. 

And since I converted to a Kindle, and then when that died, reading books via the Kindle app on my phone, I am never without a book. I do however, dislike that when people see me reading on my phone they probably think I am texting, or reading Twitter, or something equally trivial. I want to say, "I'm reading a BOOK, you guys. I am like, totally intellectual. You should see my tweets. I'm heaps smart"

But, I wanted to revisit these SK gems, so I carted this mammoth brick of a book around with me for two weeks. That thing is heavy! I think I put my old lady back out! And have you tried reading a book that big in bed lately? It's hard. And annoying. And when you fall asleep mid sentence, this old stinky book DOES NOT automatically save where you were up to! What is this the 1800's?!?

SO, I love books, I love their history, their smell, their physicality. But man, I love that no matter how many pages a book is, it is always the same size as my lovely little phone. Sorry, hipsters, I fail the class. I like reading on my phone. Oh and I don't listen to 'records' and I totally don't need those glasses I am wearing in my profile pics. I just like them. 

What do you like? Book or Device?

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  1. Jodi Hamlyn-Harris1 March 2013 at 20:56

    Apparently Stephen King books ARE still on highschool shelves. I have it on good authority from my new highschooler. She also said that she does not believe that her mother would EVER steal a book from school and that it is probably just overdue (25 years) and that her mother is probably still meaning to take it back one day because she totally IS the good sister. She also said that she thinks that anyone who sneaks stinky books into their large bags when other people are not home is probably asking to put their old lady back out. Then she said "I'm hungry. Can I have a snack?". True story.

    1. Wow- I totally didn't think they would be in libraries! You tell that teenager that I am totally going to dob on her mother. I hear someone around here still knows our high school science teacher......

      And I TOTALLY asked your associate before i stole that stinky book..... Ask JFK. He was there.

  2. I am very similar to you. I love books. I love reading. I will wait for anyone for forever if I can read while I am waiting but please, pretty please, don't make me wait 5 mins if I don't have anything to read.
    I had a Sony e-Reader a few years ago and I loved that even if I finished a book when I was out, I always had another one that I could read. When our old computer crashed, I wasn't able to figure out (because I am so technically challenged) how to get the books I had downloaded from the old computer to the new so consequently I lost all of them :(
    I have never thought of downloading books onto my phone so thanks for that idea - have just been carting books around with me everywhere !!!
    Have the best weekend - so glad you are back blogging - I missed you !

  3. Yep same Linda. I hate waiting without anything to do. You should get the kindle app. Then you just buy the books through the amazon site and get em sent to your phone. Its awesome!!

    Thank you, Im glad Im back too. Thank you for all your lovely words and support x x x x

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