
Sunday, 10 March 2013

Maleny Pop Up Gallery.... aka 'My Mum is Awesome'

My mum is a member of a fantastic group of artists in the Maleny area. A few weeks ago, they opened the Pop Up Gallery. The twelve artists (nine painters and three 3D artists) came together in the old Pump House building, with an interest to bring more art to the town and also to revitalise empty buildings which are waiting to be leased.
The opening night was a huge success. The quality of the work is amazing. And I am not just saying that 'cos my mum is involved! All pieces are curated and juried by the group and they present a professional, varied, beautiful body of work.

They have been so successful at revitalising that old building, that it has ow been leased. 
They will be there 'til the end of the month, so if you are in the Maleny area, pop into the Pop Up! It's at 23 Bunya St, Maleny.

Hopefully they then will be looking to fill another empty shopfront in town. Isn't that a brilliant idea? Like a moving gallery.

I am so proud of my mum.

Do you support local artists?

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  1. Oh wow your mum is super cool and talented. I like seeing what local artist are up to, I used to do art classes and was a lot more entrenched in the scene years back.

    1. She sure is Trude. Do I remember you saying you used to paint?

  2. I was wondering why I was awesome! Now I know. Thanks darling, I am really excited to be a member of such a vital group. Thanks for the plug, I am hoping that we will go from strength to strength!

    1. I am sure you will. This group is going to make stuff happen.

  3. Jodi Hamlyn-Harris11 March 2013 at 20:41

    Hear, hear! Well done mum! It really was a great opening and the quality of the work in the exhibition is fantastic. I am sure that the Pop Up artists will find somewhere else in Maleny to pop up soon and I hope to be there again when they do.

  4. Thanks for the plug, Gillian - great to have the support of the younger generation, and yes, I agree, your mum IS awesome


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