
Thursday, 25 April 2013

My Lovely Husband Part III

And that was kind of the moment I fell off my chair in love with him...

  • That was early August. A month later, he met my Awesome (almost) Teenager
  •  In December of that year, we bought a house together and the three of us moved in together
  • The following March we all travelled to the UK and Max and I met his family.
  • A few months later in October, we were married.
  • Then the following April we had our twins....

When I have issues with what the Universe sends me, I need to remember those sugar packets and all that came with them.

Read Part I here, and Part II Here

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  1. What a great story !!!
    So glad that you have so much happiness and support in your life - what would we do without our wonderful husbands ??????
    Have the best day !

  2. So glad to have read your story. Really, really.

    I found you via the Cracked article that featured your Stephen King flowchart. Which was such a huge undertaking. Good gravy.

    I'm super impressed and a little jealous of how much you apply yourself to projects. Envy the ability to see things through.

    1. Wow- thanks Deleriah.. I have often struggled wiht sticking to things and seeing them through, so it actually means a lot to me for you to say that you admire that in me. Thank you heaps x


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