
Thursday, 11 April 2013

The Year We all turned four

My little babies turned 4 on the weekend. 

What the actual WHAT! I know. 

So it made me start thinking about how different the world is now.... 

My kids can use an iPhone. The phone in my house when I was four had a rotary dial, was attached to itself with a curly cord and had it's own table and even, maybe it's own little room. And it phoned people. The End.

So, here are a few things about:

Ah, Madonna... always there. Just getting a little more gristly as time passes...

What happened the year YOU turned Four?

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  1. I'll have to go and find out - I don't know that the phone when I was 4 was very similar to yours - and when we got a push button phone we thought I thought we were so 'posh' !!!
    Have a great weekend and take care !
    Lotsa hugs

  2. 1988 - I think there was a bunch of boats at Sydney Harbour celebrating something...
    Yep, we had the dial phone too! It was awesome.
    Happy birthday to the twins!!!!
    Also, how cool is this!? You are so clever!


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