
Sunday, 26 May 2013

Another Visit from the Goon Squad

I get a lot of weird Traffic Sources that bring people here to this blog. I guess I mention stupid, random stuff and then I get surprised when someone find my blog by searching for Howard Keel....

The most popular searches are:

  • Stephen King Universe Flowchart  (obviously) 
  • Brad Pitt Twelve Monkeys (I once talked about a bunch of monkey stuff in a post about some felt monkeys I had made. Sorry if you came to my blog looking for in-depth Brad Pitt information. I just liked his wonky eye in 12 Monkeys
  • But, the most regular, if not the most in numbers is definitely people searching for A Visit From The Goon Squad character Map/ Flowchart. 

This was my first big flowchart. Since it's first incarnation, I have had a few people tell me of an error I had made. No, Joe WAS NOT Alfred's son. What the hell was I thinking??? I think it was a line gone astray in the design process, more than a fundamental dumbass-ness. So, I finally fixed it, and added a few other things. I also made it a bit easier to read.

SO, you can check out the original post, with updated chart here.

Or you can look at this pic of a monkey (NOT BRAD PITT)

"How YOU Doin'?"

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  1. You absolutely crack me up Gil !!! Gotta love your sense of humour.
    Have the best day !


Thanks for visiting Tessiegirl!!

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