
Monday, 19 August 2013

My crafty habit

My Lovely Husband is far, far away. He is off being awesome in the USA and I am here, hanging with my three boys. I have almost survived (he will be back on Sunday) and I am TOTALLY ready for him to come home. I miss him, you know? 

So, while he has been gone I have watched a lot of 30 Rock, I have had lots of naps (the little boys visited Nanna and Grandad for a few days) and I have picked up a needle felting habit from my brother in law and nieces.
Needle felting is like some kind of crazy wizard magic. You poke a bundle of fluffy stuff with a tricky needle and it turns into stuff. What? I know. It doesn't make any sense. And it hurts when you stick the needle in your finger.

This little owl was my first attempt. Because, I don't know if you have heard. but I kinda like owls :-) Fro my birthday recently, I received at least 287 owls. And I LOVE THEM ALL.
This lady was my next attempt. A bit more challenging amnd sculptural. You can't really tell, but she has a killer rack. I like her, but she is definately a first try at a new technique. This is like my dream hairdo to. I wanna be an eccentric old lady with fire engine red hair in milk maid braids and way too much eyeliner. And a killer rack.
I'm now working on  this little monkey. He is obviously now done yet- I think he will have a tiny little body and maybe some trousers. My Lovely Husband has a panda bear from when he was a child. Apparently, he thought it was inappropriate for the panda to be nude, so he made his mum make the panda a pair of trousers. To cover his shame. How adorable is that???

So, that's my new crafty habit. Do you try new craft techniques very often? Have you tried needle felting? Do you think pandas should wear pants?

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  1. Oh wow super cool. I think I'd like to give felting a go.

  2. very cool - and you can totally tell she has an awesome rack lol

  3. Cheers girls! You should try it trude- it's awesome. And deb- hee hee. Boobs.

  4. You have totally taken this needle felting thing to a whole new level. Thomas is very impressed (and not just with the impressive rack!). How the hell did you do those braids, btw??


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