
Thursday, 29 September 2011

Tessie moves in

Until now, the hub of the Tessie production operation has been in Maleny. 

Now, it's in my kitchen.

My lovely parents are about to embark on a Grey Nomad Expedition around southern Australia, so Mum has stepped away from the day to day production side of Tessie. I was gonna make her take her sewing machine and mail me a bag a week from wherever they were.... but I think she has earned a break. 

So, I'm on my own!!!!

I love that I now have all the Tessie girls around me for inspiration. I have been focussing on Book Covers lately, but I am ready to start on some other new products. Yeah, Baby.

X Gillian 

1 comment:

  1. Hope Jude and Grahmy have the best time. I'm pretty sure they will. And you Ms Gilly will just get on with it because you can and beause you are fab... M x


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