
Monday, 17 October 2011

Pretty girls and things on books

So, the old Blog feels like it has been very family/ personally focussed lately and not so much on the Art/ Craft side.... Not that there's anything wrong with that... my family are awesome and fabulously entertaining!

 In between Away Husband, Crazy Two Year Olds, Visiting Parents and my own Social Retardation I am still trying to find my direction with Tessie and to get myself organised!!

I am currently working on a set of printed book covers- very exciting. I have ordered the first run from Spooonflower and can't wait to see them!! The concept is to cut down on the sewing involved by designing the cover more fully in Illustrator- right down to ribbons and buttons!! Mum and I had an awesome designing session before she left*- we always spark off each other and she pushes me forward in my designs in ways I wouldn't achieve alone. This always leads to some great stuff.

Here is the front cover image of another product featuring the Beautiful Anna. The book cover are all A5 size. Perfect for a diary or a journal or a notebook.

Platform shoes are my favouritest..... my favouritest shoes that I used to wear every day when I was young and fabulous. The thought of wearing ANY shoe that is not flat and unattractively comfortable now makes me wanna puke... But I can still draw them, can't I?

I have also ordered a sample of this fabric. I will share some pics when it arrives, so you can see how the design translates to fabric. 

Now, I will go back to obsessively watching the letter box, waiting for my fabric to arrive. Oh, hang on, maybe the mailman is coming..... NOW! Or, maybe, he is coming.... NOW!! 

Maybe I should rearrange my owl collection again instead......

X Gillian

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