
Saturday, 18 February 2012

A Bloggers Flowchart: or how i learned to stop worrying and love the blog

Edenland's Fresh Horses Brigade
So, this week, Miss Eden has asked her Fresh Horses Brigade to talk about.. well, each other!

Here's my little take on why Bloggers and blogging is awesome, who my favourites are and how I found them. Some of these bloggers don't know I exist. Some of them do. All of them say something I worth listening to and inspire me in my blog and my life. 

And they are all chicks. Is that weird. I do follow some male bloggers... I think. Maybe just one. Wil Weaton. He is awesome and very manly. Blogging doesn't make you a girl.

OK, so let's get into it.....

links: dooce, mighty girl, a beautiful mess, i could make that, food coma, skunkboy creatures, smile and wave, cakies, bluebird vintage, her library adventures, accidental wonderland, hello owl, suger coat it, sheri bomb, hello blogger events, woogsworld, glowless, lady daa doo, sew, cook laugh & live.

Bloggers are amazing. Blogs are amazing. Blogging is amazing. Read them. Do them. Be them.


  1. I am lying in bed right now, not tired after watching a lame-arse movie. So I turned on the Tweets and there you were, BAM.

    Best flow chart ever. Love this, love your intertwining arrows and your paths. Seriously thank you SO much for taking part in this. You are bloody awesome.

    XXXXXX eden

  2. OMG Gillian that is AMAZING! I agree with Eden - best flowchart ever and not just because you included me (thank you!).

  3. Gillian, this absolutely rocked! A lot of my faves were on there along with quite a few new blogs to investigate. You're quite the talent! xx

    1. Oh, I'm glad- definitely check out some of these lovely ladies. And thanks!!

  4. Wow! How awesome is that!! Great post and flow chart

    1. Thanks Becky! I love to make a flow chart into a piece of art.

  5. I love this, SO COOL. Thanks for the shout out. I feel like I'm in blog rock star company! Which, I totally am. What a great idea.

    now, what is this horses thing of Eden's... Hmmm.

    1. You are a rock star! My pleasure. And. see- that's why blogging (and flowcharts) are so cool- now you can go and check out Eden and the Fresh Horses Brigade, then that's ANOTHER link!! Seriously though, you are a big part of making my blogging universe expand and grow. So, Thank YOU.

    2. Oh how I have waited and longed for this day!!! The return of the FLOWCHART!!! Yippee!! WOW!! What an incredible piece of work!!! Look at all the friggen exclamation marks I am using!!! I can't stop!!!! Your flowchart has done this to me!! It's better than coffee!! I'm so proud to be captured on this flowchart!!!
      Gillian you are one clever super dooper lady!! xoxox

  6. Hee hee. I am glad to have inspired the extreme use of exclamation marks!!!!! Thanks Daa Doo. x x x x x

  7. Wow! I'm blown away by your creativity! What an awesome flow chart! A story turned into a piece of art. Love it.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Mrs Woog! (NOTE TO SELF: Don't freak out. Act cool. Mrs Woog AND Eden have commented on your blog! Don't. Wet. Your. Pants.)

  9. omg, I want to print this out and hang it on my wall!!! it's awesome. LOVE IT!

  10. this is totally like amazingly awesome

  11. SO. VERY. COOL. <3

  12. Thank you so much everyone for your response to my flow chart! It's makin' me smile a lot

  13. I freakin LOVE this!! Apart from the fact that it is SO awesomely cool AND that I am in some most amazing company, I won't lie...I saw it and went 'hurrr I am in a love heart' *cue uplifting swell of music and stars in my eyes* haha

    Seriously, I can't say just how much I love this! Quite possibly the coolest thing EVER!! And thank you so so much for including me, I feel very special! xx

    Now I'm going to print this off and blu-tak it to my bedroom wall :P

    1. I'm going to do the same thing! Great idea Sheri. Blu-tak here I come. :D

  14. Cheers sheri- i'm glad u love it!! It was so much fun making this and I am so chuffed everyone likes it! I was hoping no one would think it was creepy or stalky or anything :-)

  15. I'm pretty sure that's one of the awesome things about bloggers and blogging...there pretty much is no such thing as creepy stalky :P lol

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