
Thursday, 16 February 2012

Tessie and Suger

I am very honoured to be involved in a Giveaway over at Suger Coat It this week. 
Suger (aka Melissa) is a Queensland uber blogger and part of the awesome Hello Blogger Events team. I was lucky enough to be her Social Media Secret Santa last year. That is the universe doing it's thing. I had been a reader of Suger's for a while before that and thought she was super cool. 
So when I was randomly paired with her I thought, 
"Man, the universe is cool. I wanna marry it. " 
But I am already married. And you can't marry the universe. I don't think. Yet. 

So go check out Suger's blog and do what she says and you could win these cutie patootie Tessie Products! Like, totally for free. 

1 comment:

  1. I came here last night and missed another fab mention on your blog. You really are too nice to me. Hubby thinks you're going to give me a big head. You know, bigger than i already have. :P


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