
Saturday, 25 February 2012

I want a pony!

I mean... I wanna go to the Brisbane The Say Hello Workshop
Suger and Dani have sent out the word that they are offering a free ticket to their awesome event. And, because I really wanna go and I love free stuff.....
And they totally don't even HAVE to give me a pony. I could just rent one for the day....


  1. Baaaaahaha. OMG. I love this. And not just because I look SO fabulous in your cartoon. Promise. That's not it.

    WHAT! It's NOT. ;)

    you have crazy skills! It looks just like them!! :)

  3. Love it!!! Fingers crossed that you get that pony, I mean, ticket!!


    1. Cheers, Jos! No Pony for me, but I'm still gonna go. Are you going?

  4. Jodi Hamlyn-Harris27 February 2012 at 14:12

    Give her a ticket!!! (Just the ticket...I know she does not have enough room in her back yard for a pony...)

  5. But i could totally have kept my mythical pony in YOUR backyard. Couldn't I?


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