
Thursday, 23 February 2012

Julia Satchel and Lou Lou Toe and The Persnickety Post

These two lovely ladies are now listed over at the Etsy Shop.  
Julia Satchel
Lou Lou Tote
I think Julia Satchel and Lou Lou Toe sound like the names of a pair of plucky girl detectives. 
"Lou Lou Tote and Julia Satchel and the Belligerent Bartender"
"Julia Satchel and Lou Lou Tote and the Mysterious Mitsubishi"
"Satchel and Tote and the Arrogant Armchair"

Alliteration is the key to a good teen girl detective novel....

My sisters and I used to love Trixie Belden books. Trixie was a freckly ginger who fell ass backwards into trouble in every book. 
We also loved the lesser known Dana Girls Mysteries. There was a blonde one and a brunette one. They were sisters. I think that was the core of every book....

And, although he is not a girl, I can't forget the plucky talking dog detective, and master of alliteration, Tee Bo!

The thing I loved most about these books was the cover art. I loved the watercoloury innocence of Trixie, the retro typeface of Tee Bo and the supermodel elegance of the Danas. I would grab my baking paper and trace the covers of the books, then I would grab my sketchbook and try to draw them freehand. 

As a converted kindle-lover, I do lament the loss of covert art. I do miss the feel of books. I can still remember now, how that Dana Girls book felt- the texture of the cover, the smell of the pages. The slight indentations around the girls figures from frequent tracing...

My kindle feels like plastic. It smells like plastic.  And when I trace it, it looks like this.....
Lame, Kindle. Lame.

Do you miss books? Cover Art? Did you read teen girl detective novels? Do you still read them? Am I asking too many Questions? Does anyone use the word 'persnickety'? Really?

Oh, and I got totally side tracked... Do you like my new bags?

1 comment:

  1. i love the lou lou tote! so cute. the shop is adorable aswell.

    BTW i am hosting a Giveaway on my blog, i would appreciate it if you'd check it out



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