Thursday 9 June 2011

winter goals

The amazing Elsie over at A Beautiful Mess has come up with her Summertime Goals. Now, as we are on the bottom side o' the planet where it's just starting to get chilly, here are my...

1) My Lovely Husband is an awesome photographer. I try to think 'What Would Gavin Do?' when I'm taking pics. That usually helps.

2) I often feel like I am talking to myself here, which is actually quite liberating. But, I seek to grow my audience... and my sales!!!

3) I am going to tackle my shyness and front up to some actual-real-3D Shops and try and get our Tessie Gear out there in the real world!!

4) Like I can STOP myself from sewing at the moment!! 6 bags... I may make 27....

5) Again, I am very shy, but I'm making it my mission in the next 2 months to make some new Bloggy friends!!!

What are your Winter/Summer goals for the next few months?

1 comment:

  1. whoa, our goal lists are very similar!! and i do wish that pun WAS intended!


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