
Monday, 19 September 2011

Dressing the books

I received a new fabric order from Spoonflower last week, and got inspired!!

I am focussing on products to take to the Mummy Tree Markets in October, and my first goal is to create a collection of Book Covers. As far as I'm concerned, all books NEED TO BE CLOTHED!!! That is my mission.... dressin' the books, people. Nude books are so last century....
So after getting all my bits together (jelly beans for colour inspiration only, of course) me and Mrs Janome got to work....
Owly Journal Cover 
I have actually had this fabric sinvce the very first Spoonflower order we ever did. I think this is the perfect project for it

Teapot Journal Cover
This fabric was inspired by my Teapot Collection. I think it works really well with this upcycled upholstery fabric from Reverse Garbage
Patchwork Journal Cover
I am so in love with this patchwork fabric. I've used some of our Spoonflower fabric in conjunction with odd bits and pieces of upholstery fabrics and other scraps... I find the process really therapeutic and calming... But, man it take a bloody long time!!! I think its worth it though. Love the look.

All of these Book Covers are now available for sale over in my
Etsy Store.
They are A5 size, reuseable and all come with a lined 200 page notebook.

Unfortunately, I ate all the colour inspiration... or I coulda thrown some o' them in too.....


Gillian for Tessie Girl

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an innovative idea for book covers! This changes their appearance completely; I would surely grade it as art. I am also an artist and like creating paintings and simple products like these. I find them a great source of peace and satisfaction; I sometimes get so busy making these art products that I forget about everything else, even my assignments, and have to hire a professional to Write my Engineering Assignment for me. At the same time, I work on the projects I love to do.


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