I made myself some presents.
A4 Sketch Book Cover |
Sketch Book inner. Buttons. Yeah , Man. |
And because I am the luckiest wife in the world, my Lovely Husband gave me a Kindle Book reader for my birthday. It is incredibly cool and I am a little bit in love with it. Ok, a lot. I downloaded Nick Hornby's 'Juliet, Naked' and am finding it really easy and comfortable to read.
So, I made it a cover!! Doesn't it look happy?
Emily Dickenson was a Tessie kinda gal |
I used my patchwork material- I have been saving it, waiting to make something special. |
I love making little pouches and covers and cases for my things. I like carrying things with me that I have put love and time into and that are totally original.
Have a lovely Saturday!!
x Gillian for Tessie Designs
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