Friday 20 May 2011

Check me out, Mrs Williams!!

When I was in high school, I was very good at some things. Art, English, Drama, Browbeating Others With my Opinions... (I topped that class).

There were other things that I was very bad at: Sport, Handing in Graphics homework, fitting in and Home Economics.

Even though my mum was always an amazing sewer- clothes, toys, (she even made me a pair of togs once! I know!), I just didn't get sewing. I was scared of the noisy machines and pointy things...

So, My Home Ec teacher, Mrs Williams, banned me from using the school sewing machines in Grade Eight, after I managed to render two different machines inoperable. At the time, I thought- Awesome. Now I don't have to do it. And this is a recurring theme in my life- If I am not good at something, I just don't do it. I didn't want to have to learn to do things I was afraid of. I was scared of failing. I still am.

 BUT, I bought a sewing machine!! And I am going to teach myself to use it. And I am going to make mistakes, and things that suck. I am not going to be the best straight away, and  the things I make won't be perfect. But, I am so enjoying the challenge. I never thought I would sew anything. Crafting has captured my creativity in a way I haven't felt for years.

Here are my first creations on my beautiful Janome! They are imperfect, I made mistakes and I need help to work out some things, but they make me happy!

 How do you like me now, Mrs Williams!!!!

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