Thursday 26 May 2011

Two owls and a monkey walked into a bar....

They didn't really... I made them!

So, me and my sewing machine are making fabric animals. All my previous animals have been hand sewn (time consuming! but strangely satisfying). Now, I am looking at using the machine, to make the process faster and make them more cost effective. See what I did there- Cost Effective! Like they are actually selling!!

Anyhoo, I am still in love with my machine, and we are getting to know each other. And I think I am quietly morphing into my mother. Which is fine.
I used some of our original Spoonflower fabric on this guy. I think if  I am going to compete in the very saturated handmade toy market, I need a point of difference. I think our fabric could be that point.
I used a crochet doily or the tummy on this guy, teamed with upcycled fabric swatches and felt. And he has flappy wings! Eli says, "Hooray!! Good Job, Mummy!"
And then there were two! Mum, My lovely In Laws, Nieces and nephews love them too- look how they are all smiling!

 Do you think these guys are a viable product? 


Gillian for Tessie Designs


  1. What a huge amount of work Gilly. I love owls and I think they would be very viable.
    I really love that little big eared guy - he is adorable. susie Lonsdale

  2. Thanks Sue! They are a lot of work, but I really enjoy it, so I think it's worth it!


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