Friday 17 June 2011

English Family

There is the cutest Junk/ Op Shop on Oxford Street in Bulimba. Max and I stopped in the recently and I found these gorgeous hankies commemorating the Royal Visit in 1954.

I don't know why, but I HAD TO HAVE THEM!

The funny lady who owns the show said, 'Are you a royalist, Dear?'

I said, 'No, but I have an English Husband!'

I guess, to me, they show the union of my Lovely Husabnds homeland and mine. His family are incredibly beautiful people. They are so far away. I wish I could go out for a coffee with my Mother-In-Law.. I wish my Father-In-Law could kick a ball with the Twins, I wish I could pop over to my Sister-In-Laws house for a chat... I wish I could have a drink at the Pub with my Brother-In -Law. I wish the Awesome Teenager could hang out with the 3 English Awesome Teenagers. And, Oh my goodness, I wish for my Lovely Husband all of these things and more. He misses them. So much.

I'm gonna put these cute little things in a frame, and they will always remind me to send hugs and love across the sea.

x Gillian for Tessie Designs

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