Thursday 25 August 2011

Still Here

So, I have been slightly AWOL from the old blog lately... Although, I'm not sure anybody noticed...

hello.... (tap, tap, tap)... is this thing on?

Anyhoo, after surviving a week or two of health scares, PMS, crazy TV smashing toddlers and a general questioning of the very point of life itself..... I'm back.

I'm finding it hard to be motivated and creative right now. I've lost my spark. I looked in my craft cupboard yesterday and the thought of making something seemed so foreign and unattainable. SO, I have no cute projects to share.

But I am still here.

.....see? There I am.

Hopefully, life will even out shortly and inspiration will hit and explode.

What do you do when your creative motivation leaves the building?

Gillian for Tessie Designs

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