Sunday 6 March 2011

Tessie Design Company is named in honour of 
Toressa Maud Rollston
Tessie Rollston.

Tessie was Judy's mother and my Nanna- 
and she was an awesome chick.
Mum and I, as Tessie Design Company are embracing our inner Tessie. She taught us that a woman can be strong and silly, resilient and vulnerable, wise and cheeky. 
If you were feeling down, Nanna would just say: "Put a bit of lippy on, love."  To me, that always meant, "Put your best face forward and just get on with it!"

My lovely Dad used to refer to Nanna as "Tesso"... 
So, Rock on Tesso, I hope you don't mind us pinching your name!

i know she would be proud.....

Nanna and I,  Christams 1982

Nanna, Aunty Sue and Mum 2005


  1. Love your blog Gilly and am so proud of you and mum for all you are creating. You are both a credit to the Tessie name and I know she would love everything you are creating. Keep blogging! Love, Jodi

  2. Thanks Jo. You know that u being proud of me is so special to me x

  3. Hi Gilly and Jude... Well done girls! Wonderful work. I must have taken Mum literally, I have been maniacally applying lippy every since.. often without a mirror... just like she did - and not always with the best results, just like she did :) And Gil, that's exactly what she meant.. (Just one small thing, she mostly referred to us as darling, not love... oooohh such a small thing) xx Ps, love the pic of Mum, Susie and Jude. That's at my house at Fairymead Road in Bundaberg, her birthday. Can't remember what number, maybe 85? She's got her lippy on nevertheless.


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