Sunday 10 April 2011

a day in the park

What a lovely afternoon at the Kangaroo Point Cliffs Park. The boys had a blast! It was a delight to celebrate our little monkeys with our awesome family and kick-ass friends. Our only other wish on days like these is to have our Tasmanian Family and our English Family with us...

Owl Cake, Cup Cakes + bubbles= hooray!!

Jasper and Eli were also chuffed to share their day with their Nanna- Happy Birthday to my beautiful mummy- my partner, my confidante and my best friend.

(oh, and I'm currently working through all the left over cupcakes! Thanks to all the Cupcakers- Ang, Mum, Silke, Riley and Abi...  and of course Lovely Husband!!)

x Gillian for Tessie Designs 

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