Tuesday, 10 May 2011

i heart felt.

Here are my newest little felt pouches. They are lined with cute flowery felt and are padded to protect your camera, or phone or glasses.

Today has been a tough day. The logistics of life kicked my ass a little... Being the mum of 2yo twins and a wife and an craft artist all at the same time can be overwhelming. Trying to be perfect is ridiculous. Intellectually I am well aware of this. Yet, why do I still fell like I have to be?

The pressure is self imposed, and so is the solution.
Stop. Breathe. Regroup. Sew some Super-cute Camera Pouches.

You can find Flower Power here and Mr Owl here

x Gillian or Tessie Designs


  1. Breathing is good and so is sewing (love Mr Owl!!) Be thankful that you are NOT perfect (thank goodness) and focus on the good stuff you do day in and day out. You will look back on these years and wonder how you ever got through them and know that every day you did your best, even when sometimes your best was using the nearest cushion cover to wipe a nose or putting on the latest DVD-du-jour for the 10th time in a row or leaving bathtime till tomorrow...again... One day you will look up and your boys will be big and you will realise that you have made loving, caring, funny and independent humans who never cared about how perfect their parents were, but just how much they were loved. I love you my sister...and you are already perfect to me.

  2. thank u so much, Jo. i love you heaps.


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