I have had a surge of Fabric-Designingness in the last few days. I really enjoy it. I have been pushing myself in trying to create repeating designs. It's way harder than it sounds, dude.
I use
Spoonflower.com for designing fabric. We get our fabric printed through them, and all of my designs are for sale. Fabric can be purchased by the yard and is quite reasonable for one-off, original fabric.
This will be the lining on all Tessie Products going forward. A recurring design to create a consistent statement. |
I have created a blue colourway too. 'Cos that's just how I roll. |
This is my entry for the upcoming Coffee Inspired Fabric Contest over at Spoonflower. Spoonflower gives a theme each week for the contest. The weekly competition winner gets free fabric! Awesome! I never win, but it is a good way to test and extend yourself as an artist, and learn to work to a brief. |
Owls, apples and flowers- what's not to love about that?? This one is quite cutesy- would be great for little kids bedding. |
I love teapots. This is a representation of a few in my collection. Yes, we live in a Bric a Brac Shop. |
SO, that is what I am doing when I am not doing
this, or
this, or hanging with
them, or with
x Gillian for Tessie Designs
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