Monday 8 August 2011

Teapot Love and Red Bionicles

As previously mentioned, I love me some Teapots. So, on my birthday recently, I got some new beauties!
Thanks Mum Dad, Jo and Tom! How amazing is this guy? I've never seen anything like it. It has a matching cup and saucer and it's so beautiful I'm a little bit afraid of it.... Love Love Love.
My Sally gave me the cutest set of tiny little teapots. this one is Orange... but I thought we looked cute in black and white!  Lovety Love Love

Jasper and Eli chose this one (with a little help from Daddy). Super Cute! Reminds me of the two of them. An my other great love- the remote control.
Love Love Love Love!!
The Awesome Teenager (when he was an awesome pre-teen)  once told everyone in our family over and over that all he wanted for Christmas was a red Bionicle.

 "You don't anything else sweetie?"
"Red Bionicle."

"Not, like, a bike or anything"

"How 'bout some new clothes..."
"Listen Lady, Do I stutter?? RED BIONICLE!!!"

On Christmas morning, he was surrounded by about 6 red Bionicles. He was so not happy. He was all sulky and weird because he just couldn't understand why all he got for Christmas was RED BIONICLES!

SO, on my birthday evening, my Sister asked me if Teapots were my red Bionicle....

"Shit no! You can never have too many Red Bionicles!!"

What's your collectible obsession? And how many is too many?

x Gillian for Tessie Designs

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